Friday, July 25, 2008

Daily post for 7-25-08 Day 1

Day 1:

This is my first full day on a new plan. It started with me getting up at 6 am and taking my sugar reading. It came in at 128. I then got myself ready, ate a simple sandwich, took my medication and then went for a brisk walk. The walk was good. It was a little cool, a little humid. There was a light breeze blowing. I got interesting looks from the neighboring cows as they watched me walk past them on the road. A few people zipped by fast this morning, but a few others actually slowed down to pass me. That made me happier seeing them slow down to pass me. Anyway, the walk lasted a brisk 60 minutes. I covered 4 miles round-trip. After returning from the walk, I took a shower and then did a blood pressure check. Following that, I read the newspaper from yesterday. Then I got ready and went on my errands in Town, including a light lunch. After checking a few things here on the internet, I will stop at Food World to pick up a few items for dinner. Then it's off to home, with more meds for high blood pressure. Planned on doing some reading, then taking my cholesterol medicine. Bedtime is around 10 pm.

2 slices 40-calorie bread, toasted
1 tbsp meat spread
1 slice low-fat cheddar cheese
4 oz. pomegranite juice
16 oz. water

during walk = 16 oz water w/ crystal light

after walk = 1 whole peach, 16 oz water

2 slices 40-calorie bread
1 tbsp meat spread
16 oz water
3 cups chicken tortilla soup (from Sweet Peppers Deli) in a bread bowl
32 oz water w/ lemon

2 cups mixed salad
1/2 white sliced onion
1/2 green bell pepper, sliced
1/2 tomato, sliced
homemade vinaigrette
1 filet tilapia fish (4 oz)
steamed vegetables
brown rice pilaf w/ onions and bell pepper
1 tbsp diced tomatoes
1 tbsp shredded cheddar cheese
1 glass red wine

1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup fresh blueberries

Blood Sugar Reading:
Pre-BK: 128
Pre-L: 102

60 min brisk walking this morning, 4 miles

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