Monday, January 14, 2008

Jan. 14, 2007 Diary

Diary for today, Jan. 14, 2008:

Woke-Up at 5:15 a.m. Wnet to living room and, while watching a recorded show by Andrew Zimmern, did my morning exercise routine, though not as long as I had planned originally. I only managed 15 minutes each for both Gazelle and my Air-Resistant Rower. Took shower and got dressed. Made breakfast and lunch. Took my morning fasting glucose reading. Went to work at 7 am. Got home at 6 pm. While heating my dinner, I took my evening reading. Then started to check email, with a shower between email and this entry. Bedtime planned at 9:30 p.m.

Fasting BG - 6:52 a.m. 113

Pre-dinner BG - 6:17 p.m. was 106
Post dinner BG - 9:06 p.m. was 121

Breakfast =
2 slices WASA Crisp Bread - 18
1 tbsp meat spread - 3
1 packet oatmeal mix - 31
2/3 cup water - 0
16 oz. hot green tea - 0
Total for Breakfast = 52

Lunch =
2 slices WASA Crisp Bread - 18
1 tbsp meat spread - 3
1 packet oatmeal mix - 31
2/3 cup water - 0
16 oz. hot green tea - 0
1/2 cup green bell pepper - 3
1/2 cup bartlet pear - 15
Total for Lunch = 70

Dinner =
4 oz. rotisserie chicken -??
1/3 cup long grain rice -29
1/2 cup red wine sauce - 4
1 cup mixed veggies - 3
Total for dinner =36

Lots of water and hot green tea today during worktime.

Note: May cut out wild rice mix for now. Tips from anyone?

1 comment:

Loren said...

Don't know if you have it in the US, I presume you would have, I use BASMATI rice, it's Low GI.
